Serving the Saint Mel Parish Community for over 25 Years

Saturday, May 31, 2014


Board of Directors: 2014-2015 Saint Mel Men's Club & Father's Guild: President- Joey Vitobello Vice President- Frank Keppel Recording Secretary- Tony Flynn Corresponding Secretary- Peter Cuneo Treasurer- Kenny Klimik Sgt.-At-Arms- Tom Farrell Good & Welfare- Sal Bonomo Social & Entertainment- Peter Sutich Membership- Bob Sitler Membership- John Cicciarello Membership- Joe Jannis

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Board Meeting is this Friday: May 30,2014 at the Club Room. We will be electing our New Board of Directors.

Monday, May 19, 2014


Memorial Day is a day of somber reflection on the service and sacrifice of the men and women who have given the last full measure of devotion to their nation. It is the day that all Americans pause to reflect on the sacrifice that is required by any free nation to remain free and defend the right of others to live freely as well
A Happy Memorial Day! From the Board of Directors of The Saint Mel Men's Club & Father's Guild.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Election Results


Board of Directors Election Results: Sal Bonomo, Peter Cuneo, Frank Keppel & Kenny Klimik have been elected to the Board (2014-2015 Season).

Saturday, May 10, 2014


                 Wishing a Happy Mother's Day to the Wives & Mother's of Our Members.

Friday, May 2, 2014

General Membership Meeting: Friday-May 09, 2014

Our next General Membership Meeting is: Friday-May 09, 2014. At the Club Room. Please do your best to attend this Meeting. It is Election Night! You will be voting for New Members of the Board.

I hope to see all of our Members at this Meeting. Remember your Vote Counts!

Best Wishes to All,

Tony Flynn-President-Saint Mel Men's Club & Father's Guild 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Board Meeting this Friday Night

Board of Directors Meeting this Friday Night in The Club Room. Final Prep. for the Golf Outing,