Serving the Saint Mel Parish Community for over 25 Years

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

September-General Membership Meeting Will Be Friday-September 11, 2015. Welcome Back !!!!!!

Welcome Back to All of Our Members.

The 1st. Meeting of the 2015-2016 Season is on Friday-September 11, 2015.

We will be Remembering the Victims of the 9/11 Terrorist Attack at This Meeting.

There will be a Guest Speaker-Mr. Christopher Stein. The Principle of the Saint Mel's Catholic Academy.

The Board of Director's will be Providing The Membership with Updates on Future Meetings and Events.

The Club Door's will be Open at 7:00 PM on Meeting Night.

See you at the Meeting.

Plus, Save The Date. Friday-September 18, 2015. The 4th. Annual Welcome Back BBQ. Which will Begin at 7:00 PM.

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